
Learn more about how to use each tab of the app, the menu, and the database here.


The Home Tab shows a summary of your play. Tournament ROI (Return On Investment) is net profit (or loss) divided by total investment * 100. The chart on the bottom is profit or loss vs time. Cash Games, Tournaments, and Total lines are displayed for your session data.

You can change your currency from the menu in the top right. Session data is converted automatically using current exchange rates.


This tab is where you enter cash game data. You can add or delete a casino by tapping the + button to the right of the casino picker. Enter a new casino and press the Add button or swipe left in the table to delete a casino.

Games and Stakes

You can add or delete cash game stakes and games by tapping the + button to the right of the game and stakes picker. Enter new stakes or a new game in the text field and press the Add button. Stakes must have a big blind. But the small blind and straddle are optional. Changing the global currency setting from the Menu will change the currency in which the blinds are denominated. Delete entries by swipping left on a row in one of the tables.

Buyins and Cashouts

Enter a buyin and cashout in the respective text fields. These data are required to save an entry. Changing the global currency setting in the menu changes currency in which your buyin and cashout are denomiated. Any unsaved values are converted using current exchange rates.

Start, Pause, and Finish a Session

Start a session by pressing the play button. Once active, the clock label starts keeping track of time and the play button changes to a pause button. When you are done, use the save button to archive and end a session.

View Your Session Data

Session data is organized with your most recent entries first. Swipe to the left to see older entries.

Edit and Delete an Entry

Edit an entry by tapping the Edit button in the top left corner. This opens the session that is currently displayed at the bottom of the tab. Changing an entry's currency will convert the entry using current exchange rates. Tap Done to save your changes or Delete to delete an entry.


This tab is where you enter tournament data. You can add or delete a casino by tapping the + button to the right of the casino picker. Enter a new casino and press the Add button or swipe left in the table to delete a casino.

Tournament Types and Games

You can add or delete tournament types and games by tapping the + button to the right of the types and games picker. Enter a new type of tournament or a new game in the text field and press the Add button. Delete entries by swiping left on a row in one of the tables.

Buyins and Cashouts

Enter a buyin and cashout in the respective text fields. These data are required to save an entry. Changing the global currency setting in the menu changes the currency in which your buyin and cashout are denomiated. Any unsaved values are converted using current exchange rates.

Start, Pause, and Finish a Session

Start a session by pressing the play button. Once active, the clock label starts keeping track of time and the play button changes to a pause button. When you are done, use the save button to archive and end a session.

View Your Session Data

Session data is organized with your most recent entries first. Swipe to the left to see older entries.

Edit and Delete an Entry

At the bottom of the screen swipe left or right to select the entry that you want to edit or delete. Then tap the Edit button in the top left corner. Changing an entry’s currency will convert the entry using current exchange rates. Hit Done to save your changes or Delete to delete an entry.

Cash Games or Tournaments?

The switch at the top of the Reports tab lets you switch between cash games and tournments.

Select / Deselect All

The buttons below the Cash and Tournaments labels toggle between Deselect All -- meaning the default state is that all data points are selected -- and Select All.

Filter Your Data

You can apply any combination of the filters to Export or Graph your data.

Export Your Data

You can export your data with the Export button in the top left of the Reports tab. Your data is exported as a CSV file with the following headers:


Your data is exported in whatever currency is currently set. You can change the currency setting in the Menu. Entries are converted using current exchange rates.

Equity Curve

This is just a straight forward equity vs time chart. For cash game data you may switch between Currency and Big Blinds. The currency will be whatever the global setting for currency currently is. You may change this value from the main menu. Session data is converted using current exchange rates.

Probability Mass Function

Here your data is divided into 20 bins. The smallest bin is 0.00 to whatever your bin size is. Bin size is max(largest-win, abs(largest-loss)) / 20.0. The number of positive sessions that fall into each bin are graphed above the zero line and the number negative sessions below it. A probability mass function gives the probability that a discrete random variable is equal to some value. In this case, your sessions are treated as a random variable, and the Y-axis tells you the pobability that a given session will fall into that bin.

Scatter Plot

This Scatter Plot colors data points by game type, e.g. Hold'Em, PLO, etc. The X-axis is session length and the Y-axis is Currency or Big Blinds. You can use this chart to identiy motifs in your play that correlate with session length. Maybe for sessions longer than four hours your results cluster around -$5,000.00 and you have a lot of big wins when you play one - two hours. This might mean that you get tired after four hours, or that you only stay longer than four hours if you are losing.

Pie Chart

Here too your data is colored by game type. The Pie Chart shows the distrubtion of your winning and losing sessions by game type. Maybe you are a great PLO player but you always lose 20 BBs playing NLHE when you are waiting to get in the PLO game. Or maybe you should stop playing HU HORSE because it accounts for 90% of your losses and only 5% of your wins. You can use this chart to help you with game selection and to find games that may be leaks or that need work.

A slice of the pie chart represents currency or Big Blinds. Not the number of winning or losing sessoins.


Choose the game that you want to model, either Texas Hold'Em or Omaha, the type of model you want: Hand vs Hand, Hand vs Range, or Range vs Range, and the number of iterations that you want to run.

Ranges are tested for inclusion precisely, exhaustively, and only once per street. The number of iterations refers to the numnber of times we sample a range and the number of experiments that are run. Say you are modeling a loose opponent that plays 100% of his pre-flop range in PLO and you know that he floats the flop about half the time, no matter what. You will likely want to run more than 100 iterations because you are sampling less 1/10 of a percent of your opponent's hand space. So you will not get a very good idea of what their range looks like if you do that.

In the case of a hand (as opposed to a range) the sampling always returns the same value, the singular hand comprising that range. So you do not need very many iterations here. But if there are random cards left to come, you will still want to use a reasonable number to get a good sense of the state space.


Depending on the model that you have chosen, you will either select a specific hand or move a slider representing a pre-flop range. In order to do this we ranked every starting hand. The slider represents the top percent of preflop combinations. So a value of 20% is the top 20% of starting hands.


You will choose cards for whatever street you would like to model. If you have chosen a model that involves a range, you will be able to edit that range. As an example, say your oponent is tight and you know that he doesn't have the odds to draw and only continues with two-pair or better on an unpaired board in Hold'Em. Select All 2-Pairs and All 3 of a Kinds and hit the Calculate button.


You can use the Calculate button after any street. Say you want to know how Aces fair against the top 20% of Texas Hold'Em hands. Select Hand vs Range for the model and hit Calculate. Five cards representing the flop, turn, and river will be drawn at random and the results: win, lose, and draw will be tallied. This will be repeated for however many iterations you have set for the experiment.

Your experiment's parameters are not cleared unless you hit the Clear button (top left corner of the screen). So you can set up an experiment for the flop, calculate the results, and then layer a turn card (and potentially range criteria) on top of that. Thus walking through a hand street by street.

You do not however have to calculate each street for successive ranges to be incorporated in your model. You can select the flop, narrow a flop range, select the turn and narrow a turn range, and select the river and narrow the river range and then hit calculate only once. You will only see equities for the river in this case, not street by street. Hands tested for inclusion in a turn range will only be drawn from hands that passed the flop range tests, etc. Just like a real hand of poker.


If you are modeling a Hand vs a Hand you will see win statistics for Your Hand, Your Opponents Hand, and how often they tie.

If you have chosen a model with a range, in addition to the win and tie statistics, you will see the number of combinations of hands in the range and, when applicable, the percent of the previous streets range this represents. For a Hand vs a Range on the flop, this might look something like:

Your Hand: 76.9%, Opp Range: 22.1%,
Tie: 1.0%

There are 127 combinations of hands
in your opponent's flop range. This
represents 34.42% of your opponent's pre-flop range.


The NextGenPoker app treats ranges as mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive. This means that in general ranges do not overlap, and the sum of sub-ranges equals the total number of possible combinations of hands. As an example, there are 16,095 combinations of full houses on a 2 9 9 T board in Omaha. And there are 2,743 combinations of bottom full houses, 10,340 combinations of middle full houses, and 3,012 combinations of the nut full house. And 2,743 + 10,340 + 3,012 = 16,095.

However, there are exceptions to this. All combinations of High Cards or Better is just an easy way to select the entire previous street's range. So if we combined this sub range with all the others we would get twice the number of hands that are possible.

Running a simulation without selecting any subranges includes all combinations of hands from the previous street. It is not an empty set. And it does overlap with the other sub-ranges.

In general however, you can assume that sub ranges are mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive and that they add up to the total number of combinations of hands for that category.

High Cards or Better

This range category only has one option, All Combos. This is just an easy way to explicitly say that your oponent continues with 100% of his range. Selecting this category is the same as not selecting (and therefore not eliminating any hands) any ranges for the street.


Pairs are divided into four categories: All Pairs, Bottom Pair, Middle Pair, Top Pair. Most of these are just what they sound like. But Pairs exclude better hands and draws. Bottom Pair is the lowest pair on the board or lower (a pocket pair in the latter case). And Top Pair is the highest pair on the board or higher. Middle Pair is defined by exclusion. This means that if it is not a "Top Pair" or a "Bottom Pair," then it is a "Middle Pair."

2 Pairs

Two pairs work much the same way as pairs: All 2-Pairs, Bottom 2 Pair, Middle 2 Pair(s), Top 2 Pair. Most of these are just what they sound like. But two pairs exclude better hands and draws. Bottom 2 Pair is the lowest two pair on the board or lower (a pocket pair in the latter case). And Top 2 Pair is the highest pair on the board or higher. Middle 2 Pair(s) is defined by exclusion. This means that if it is not a "Top 2 Pair" or a "Bottom 2 Pair," then it is a "Middle 2 Pair(s)."

3 of a Kind

Three of a kind works much the same way as pairs and two pairs: All 3 of a Kinds, Bottom 3 of a Kind, Middle 3 of a Kind(s), Top 3 of a Kind. Most of these are just what they sound like. But three of a kind excludes better hands and draws. Bottom 3 of a Kind is the lowest three of a kind on the board or lower. And Top 3 of a Kind is the highest three of a kind on the board. Middle 3 of a Kind(s) is defined by exclusion. This means that if it is not a "Top 3 of a Kind" or a "Bottom 3 of a Kind," then it is a "Middle 3 of a Kind(s)."


Straights have the same language as pairs, two pair, and three of a kind, and also work much the same way: All Straights, Bottom Straight, Middle Straight(s), and Nut Straight. The Middle Straight(s) category is defined by exclusion, that is, if the straight is not the Bottom Straight and not the Nut Straight, then it is a Middle Straight.


Flushes are similar as well. But we opted to use absolute values, as opposed to relative values to subdivide this range. All Flushes are indeed what they sound like. But the other sub-ranges work off of the hole cards, not the highest valued card in the flush. Take the Nut Flush (hole cards) category for example, if the board is 2 6 9 the Nut Flush requires the A in the hole. And if the board is 2 6 A, the Nut Flush requires the K in the hole. But just because someone has an ace high flush does not mean that they have the Nut Flush. In line with this, if the board is 2 6 A and someone has 9 T in the hole, their hand would fall into the 10-high Flush (hole cards) sub-range.

Full Houses

These work much as you would expect. But on the case of a paired flop, there is no concept of Middle Full house. You either have a hand in the Top Full House sub-range, where you have three of the top card on the board, or you have a hand in the Bottom Full House sub-range. For the turn and river, Middle Full House(s) becomes an option.

4 of Kind

Four of a kind works much like High Cards or Better. We did not subdivide this range. The only option for the straight flush sub-range is All Combinations.

Straight Flush

The same is true for a straight flush. Draws however, are quite different.

Straight Draws

Straight draws are reasonably straight forward as well. All Straight Draws are just what they sound like. Hands that fall into the Gut Shot(s) sub category have one out to a straight. Open Ended Straight Draw(s) include double gutters, and are all straight draws that have exactly two outs to a straight. In the case of Omaha, Wraps are all straight draws with three or more outs.

It is important to note that when the board is paired, both straight draws and flush draws are not an option as a stand alone category. This is because we have done our best to make ranges mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive. For this reason, a straight draw on a paired board is listed under Combo Draws > Pair or Better + Straight Draw.

Flush Draws

Flush draws are grouped the same way that flushes are grouped: 3 - 10 Flush Draw (hole cards), J - K Flush Draw (hole cards), Nut Flush Draw (hole cards). So if the board is 2 6 A the Nut Flush Draw would be K X.

No distinction is made between the A K and the A 2 flush draw when testing for inclusion in a range. Both hands are the Nut Flush Draw. Further, even though an argument can be made that A 2 is not the nut flush on a 6 7 8 board, it is treated as such. Any better flush would be a straight flush.

Combo Draws

Combo draws have four categories: All Combo Draws, Pair or Better + Straight Draw, Pair or Better + Flush Draw, Straight Draw + Flush Draw. These categories are what they sound like. Pair or Better + Straight Draw cannot have a made hand (full house +) and can not have a Flush Draw. The converse is true for Pair or Better + Flush Draw. The Straight Draw + Flush Draw category may however have pairs +, just not a straight or better.


The database represents the complete ranking of all preflop hand combinations for both Texas Hold'Em and Omaha. Rank was evaluated in terms of a hand's probability of beating a random hand. The experiments were run until those probabilities converged. This data is central to our ability to represent a preflop range from a sliding percentage.

Find a Hand

The Find a Hand section of the database allows you to query based on the specific ranking of a hand. The query's return value is that hand, a series of cards, and its preflop equity. So if we are curious to know what the median hand is for Texas Hold'Em: 1,326 / 2 = 663. We submit 663 to the Texas Hold'Em database and find that, according to our experiment, it is the 8 T. And as we would expect, the 49.65% preflop equity is just about 50%.

Find a Ranking

This is a compliment to the Find a Hand query. Here you may query based upon a hand and the return value is that hand's rank and its equity. Have you ever wondered how good A A A A is peflop in Omaha? According to our data it is 61,610 best hand and has a preflop equity of 52.2%.