One Interface - Three Models

HTML tutorial

Hand vs Hand

This is the straight forward scenario we are all used to.

Whether it is Texas Hold'Em or Omaha, select the players' preflop cards and calculate their equities. Or, the community cards, and calculate equities after any street.

The app will run for the number of iterations you have specified and give you an alert specifying the results:

Your Hand: 88.4% and Opp Hand 10.1% and Tie 1.5%.

HTML tutorial

Hand vs Range

Just like Hand vs Hand, when modeling a Hand vs a Range you select a preflop hand and can calculate equities right then, or, after any street.

What is different is that your opponent's hand is now a range. For defining their preflop range, NextGen Poker uses a slider with values that range from 0% to 100%.

Another difference is that after every street you can edit your opponents range. In this case, the app is smart and it will not allow to include a flush in your opponent's range if the board does imply that it is possible. You can select from made hands and draws. When modeling an Omaha range the wrap straight draw is an option. And of course, there are no draws on the river. For more on how ranges work in the app see the about page

After every calculation the app will present you with the equity results. When a range is involved the app will tell you the number of combinations of hands in that range. With the exception of a preflop range, the app will tell you what percent of the previous streets range this represents.

For examle:

Your Hand: 88.4% and Opp Hand 10.1% and Tie 1.5%.

There are 108 combinations of hands in your opponent's Flop range.
This represents 39.56% of their PF range.

HTML tutorial

Range vs Range

Range vs Range simulations work just as you would expect. You are just working with two ranges instead of one.

And of course, the output is a little different too:

Your Hand: 88.4% and Opp Hand 10.1% and Tie 1.5%.

There are 72 combinations of hands in your flop range.
This represents 25.67% of your PF range.

There are 108 combinations of hands in your opponent's Flop range.
This represents 39.56% of their PF range.